Carimañola made from yucca and ground beef
Carimañola is a Panamanian and Colombian cuisine that is tasty and very easy to make. I do not work with exact recipes so everything here is approximate. I boiled about 3 pounds of yucca till soft. The water was salted to taste. I cooked about 3/4 pounds of beef seasoned with Tony Chachere’s.
The boiled yucca is smashed after it was cooled. I added a tad about a tablespoon of flour. I do not believe flour is normally added but was done here for some texture.
I scooped up some of the smashed yucca and then flattened it. Added some beef in the middle and then sealed.
I fried it for about 2 minutes and voila.
Carimañola es una comida Panameña y Colombiana que es bien fácil para preparar. Cuando estoy cocinando, casi nunca uso una receta fija. Me gusta tirar ingredientes.
Cociné aproximadamente 3 libras de yuca en agua hervida salada al gusto hasta que se puso bien suave la yuca. Machaqué la yuca. Cocine aproximadamente una libra de carne molida con sazón Tony Chachere’s.
Añadí la carne molida en el medio de la yuca aplastada, lo cerré, y lo freí por dos minutos. Y así voila, carimañola.